Saturday, June 30, 2012

To all smokers

My cousin died of cancer years ago. She was in her 30's. She has started smoking in her teen years. This is just a reminder to people smoking now:

Nursing Your Lungs
Created by:

I came across this article: Smoking ban's impact five years on. Apparently banning public smoking in the UK has been 'Hugely beneficial'. There are people in the US who seem to always be worried about the "nanny state". While I don't like being told what to do I realize that if I am going to live with or near other human beings I do have to alter my behavior so as not to infringe on their space or Rights. And I expect the same consideration from others.

I've never smoked or taken drugs myself but I have asked friends to please not smoke in my home. What is interesting is that smokers do chance their behavior when they realize it affects others. We are a social animal so why is it a surprise when we act accordingly?

Those anti-human nannie-staters seem to want to act as if they are the center of the universe and they don't have to be polite in public. In New York we have no smoking in public and now the major wants to discourage people from buying those huge soda drinks. Yeah, sure that may sound crazy but let's face it, soda of any size is really poison and no one should encourage children to drank that crap. Because at the end of the day it WILL affect me.  Children growing up to be sick adults does me no good. What I Do want is everyone to be healthy, happy and able to live productive lives. Is that really asking too much?

To use another example, when i get into a car I think to myself, "I could kill someone with this machine. I could damage property." Do I drive carefully and attentively. I try VERY hard not to let myself get distracted because THAT is the cause of most accidents.  The result is that I have been driving for decades and have never had an accident. Imagine that. I see people getting angry and being rude because they think driving means they have the right to be a bully. They are an accident ready to happen. If they really cared about human beings they would not behave that way. But not wanting an accident is also selfish. Really. An accident costs time and money and I really DON'T want to waste either. So I work very hard not to have an accident. Very hard.

I think people should work just as hard to be healthy and not abuse the only body they will ever have. But that's just my opinion.

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